This site provides informational, educational, and/or entertainment resources that help people explore personal empowerment, creativity, and communication.   

Professional advice of any kind including therapeutic, medical, and legal advice is not provided on this site. You agree that you read and/or use the information on this site of your own free choice and at your own risk.

The opinions and personal views expressed on this site are the views of Moyo Okediji, and I am responsible for them not any employers, volunteer groups, professional groups, or any other organizations, agencies, or individuals I may be connected with.

I, Moyo Okediji, write all the blog posts on this site. I do not pay anyone to endorse or write about my work. Except where explicitly stated.

Copyright: All written content, video, and photos or pictures are ©Moyo Okediji. Except when explicitly stated or (attributed to original source). Unauthorized use and or duplication of these materials without express and written permission from this blog’s author and or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Moyo Okediji with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.