Law of diminishing returns
Law of diminishing returns
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Law of diminishing returns
Moyo Okediji
Excavations from Wankanda I
Medium: Archaeology
Visitors From the Distant Past
They landed in three large pods.
“They look exactly as we envisaged,” one of them said, probing me.
“Bring him inside the pod.” Said another.
They took me inside the pod.
I looked around.
Artist and curator of Akodi Orisa adding finishing touches to the phallic-nipple crown of the dome.
To the Yoruba Nation
There is a new vision
It is from Odu Irosun
And it advocates the IYEYE plant
Now listen:
We are now near the top of the Gbadi Hill
It is the tallest hill in the universe
So tall, its head is a pointed triangle.
Now the citizens of Iperi were hungry
They cried out from hunger and unhappiness
They were in pain for homelessness
They needed a savior
Who will protect the people of Iperi
A young stranger will shelter the people of Iperi
Artist: Moyo Okediji
Title: Bèbè Ìdí (Beaded Waistline)
Medium: Terracotta
Date 2010
Olodumare laughed when the Nigerian contingents
Stood up to present their case
before the throne of the Most High.
Olodumare said, “Active and passive
are equal and opposite
to effect the law of balance.
In the beginning
I created the most talented people
In a landscape mischievously named Nigeria.