Origin of the Yoruba

Origin of the Yoruba: according to oral tradition

Following strictly the words of Yoruba ancestors, as revealed by Ifa, life began for Yoruba people at Ile Ife.

There is no mention of mecca, or the middle east or any other origin.

Ifa is very clear on this topic.

The Ifa narrative is that the arrival of Yoruba people in Ile Ife is the first recorded intergalactic landing.

How is it recorded?

It is recorded in Ifa oral literature which I am quoting here.

The story is that Yoruba ancestors arrived in a space-x-time craft and landed at a specific spot in Ile Ife.

That is the Yoruba story.

That is the meaning of being Yoruba.

The Akodi Orisa in Ile Ife is the sacred monument being constructed at Ile ife to mark this first intergalactic landing at Ile Ife.

It is important for Yoruba people to mark Yoruba history.

This is the purpose of this ecological monument at Ile Ife.

When fully completed, the Akodi Orisa will be a sanctuary for important Yoruba plants especially those used for herbal therapy and medicinal purposes.

Ten women artists work from Monday to Friday building the Akodi Orisa.

From the picture, you can see the artists are paying attention to the details. The drawing must be exact, just as Yorubas must tell the stories of their origin with the exact words of their ancestors.

The monument is about telling indigenous stories, in the ethnic words, using local pictures, in their own ways.

This is what these ten women artists are doing: they are building Akodi Orisa into a futuristic garden where time and space melt to transform human experiences into a higher consciousness based on nature.

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