Do not panic.

In the face of challenges

Do not panic.

Never panic when the situation is dire.

However bad your circumstances are

Do not panic.

Things will get better

But only when you don’t panic.

It is natural to experience anxiety when

–we are faced with disappointment, stress, terror and disaster.

But stop. Do not


Take in a deep breath. Assess the situation.

Look at the challenge

Survey your trial from all angles.

Tell yourself that “Things will get better.”

When you are drowning in debt

When your lover fails you

And your test result is woeful

And the medical diagnosis is depressing

Or you can’t find a job

Or just lost your job

Or your goods are not selling

Or you can’t produce as you planned:

Stop. Do not panic.

Inhale deep. Exhale fully.

It is not over. It is just the beginning.

When you don’t panic

Things will get better.

When I lost the use of my leg three months ago, I truly thought it was over.

I was sad. I felt helpless:

But now

My leg is fully recovered.

And all the anxiety I gave myself did not help.

Stop being anxious.

Everything is alright.

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