a post showing Moyo OKediji art piece



I have just sold this work titled “MESSENGER OF HOPE.”

It is a terracotta piece mounted on canvas.

It has an antique look to give it a timeless dimension, just as the element of hope that it defines.

I’m happy the work has found a home where it will be happy and loved.


Now, please watch this one-minute clip after reading my short note.

Now, please watch this one-minute clip after reading my short note.

Now, please watch this one-minute clip after reading my short note.

This morning I went to my usual coffee shop, not too far from my house in Austin, Texas.

It was my favorite hangout before the outbreak of the Covid.

But now, it has become only a drive-in shop, and I sat in my Jeep, waiting for the young woman to take my order.

“Tall coffee and a banana nut bread warmed,” I told her.

“Sure,” she said. “That will be five dollars and seventy cents.”

a post showing Moyo OKediji art piece


A friend, who is also a devout, church-going Christian just talked with me a few minutes ago. He called from Nigeria.

“What is wrong with these kids?” he asked me. “Why can’t they protest peacefully? What has their quarrel against police brutality got to do with burning down buildings, and looting stores? They are criminals. They are worse than the politicians they are criticizing. If you place them in positions of power, they would do worse.”

I didn’t respond. After all, I didn’t call him. He called. He must have something really important to say to have spent his money calling me.

a picture showing moyo okediji poised for the camera


John McArthur, the internationally renowned evangelist, is quoted as observing that “It is confusing to watch people demand justice by violating the law.”

What is even more confusing is to watch the law perpetuate injustice.

And infinitely most perplexing is to watch the officers of the law flout legal procedures and violate human rights with impunity.

This is why SARS provoked such hostile reception from the Nigerian community that it was meant to serve.

It is most confusing to watch Nigerian politicians loot the funds meant for the entire nation.

It is confusing to see the police refuse to prosecute them.

a picture showing moyo okediji poised for the camera



This morning, a friend of mine who is a professor at a university here in Texas woke me up with, “Hey Moyo, what is the meaning of Yoruba?”

This professor called me on WhatsApp video.

Disinformation is as old as the human tongue.

Let me take that back.

Disinformation predates the human tongue.

Disinformation started with the body language of making signs.

When you smile, when you really are plotting to hit a fellow, that is disinformation.



Let the house rat hear

and tell the bush rat.

Safeguard your community.

Let each community of 1000 citizens

Form a fence of 100 youths.

Take a census of 1000 names

in each community unit.

Document the name, age and occupation

of everyone within your community.

Do not rely on police protection

there is none anymore.

a picture showing moyo okediji poised for the camera


To the Yoruba Nation

There is a new vision

It is from Odu Irosun

And it advocates the IYEYE plant

Now listen:

We are now near the top of the Gbadi Hill

It is the tallest hill in the universe

So tall, its head is a pointed triangle.

Now the citizens of Iperi were hungry

They cried out from hunger and unhappiness

They were in pain for homelessness

They needed a savior

Who will protect the people of Iperi

A young stranger will shelter the people of Iperi