a picture showing Araba Elebuibon



Life is simple yet complicated in the ReDoMi civilization.

How do you say ReDoMi?

The vowels and consonants of the RedoMi people are so simple that all you have to do is open or close your lips to pronounce their words.

The consonants are especially straightforward. They contain no strong or forces sounds, not even a threatening hiss of the ZZZZ is allowed. That is too much of a snake strike for a people of the infinite dimension. Only the gentle “s” and “sh” are allowed into this linguistic tone.

The colors lie in the musicality of the vowels, in which three sounds ReDoMi add light and shades to each vowel.

Wait for it: within each ReDoMi sound, is a further layering of ReDoMi—ad infinitum, to the endless tuning of the vocal chord with a gángan (talking) drum.

It is therefore not strange that the ReDoMi people have built the most amazing music out of the double-throated gángan sound.

Gángan, in total dimension, is gángangàn, or gangàngán.

Poets and musicians are therefore free to play with words merely by inflecting the tones of the vowels up or down, to paint pictures that challenge the imagination of painters.

If you are still with me, we are now in the same drone. We are looking at something we already see daily, but we are now droning it, to get different pictures from the top, bottom, left, right and center views in this dancing drone over the ReDoMi compound.

The ReDoMi people are impossible to truly understand without a drone. With the drone, one could fathom why they are impossible to understand: the ReDoMi reality is built around music, the most pleasurable human understanding, and also the experience that could most colorfully portray grief. ReDoMi could easily shift into MiReDo, or DoMiRe or MiDoRe. The distance between the beginning and the end is not the middle.

The ReDoMi people, clearly, are not binary people. On the surface, they are a trinity people. Beyond the surface, their reality does not lie in either-or. It lies in-between the two, but not exactly in the middle of the two, but in a third element that is also a third of that third—which, therefore, is functionally the fourth element.

How? If within every Re, Do, or Mi item there is a third factor, then there are four items; and each item is subject to four values.

This is why the ReDoMi language operates only as proverbs—because every word is four steps away from its original meaning.

How? Take the simplest ReDoMi word and multiple it by Re Do Mi.

The simplest Re Do Mi word is “O”. Multipled, O becomes O x Re; O x Do; and O x Mi.

O x Re = You; as in O sùn—You sleep;

O x Do = is not as in Ò sùn—is not sleeping;

O x Mi = Ó sùn—he/she/it is asleep; or was asleep.

When you naturally “learn” to speak ReDoMi as a child, your teachers download a program into your brain that enables you to operate on the fourth level of perception, so that your calculations are four steps ahead of the moment, for each sound-taste-sight-cognition you experience. The program is really complicated to download, but when done properly, the ReDoMi mind is equipped for life and can easily operate the programs of any human culture, because it is four steps ahead of each moment.

Most cultures are binary: the English says “A word is enough for the wise;” the ReDoMi say “Half a word is enough.” The ReDoMi imagination is equipped to decode things by the time only half of the code is visible.

Now, you can see why the Re Do Mi people are virtually impossible to decipher. Each person speaks at least four languages within the same dialect, to be able to make meaning in the ReDoMi grammar.

In the Re Do Mi imagination, this grammar is grounded in ideas called òwe, ọnà, ẹnà, and so on.

It is a global cultural heritage, and one of the earliest building blocks of human architecture.

It is organic. It is ecological, physiological, and anatomical.

It is ancient mathematics in which 1 becomes 2, which becomes 3, which becomes 4 in the ReDoMi space.

That is the ReDoMi way of life. Simple. Yet incredibly culturally resilient.

Did they ask the DoReMi person to stop speaking in vernacular?


But any culture, however powerful, that attacks the ReDoMi nation, ends up becoming a tool for disseminating ReDoMi voices, as this English note shows.

ReDoMi is not just a language. It is a way of thinking, doing, and imagining life and reality.

It thrives under threats and pressures, growing in all nooks and corners, freely, undiminished.

Say ReDoMi.

Be not afraid.

Don’t let them shame you from claiming your culture.

ReDoMi is sweet to say.

Model: Araba Elebuibon

The ReDoMi interpretation of C-19 couture

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