Reunited with my painting.
Title: Fragments of the Shattered Gourd
Medium: terrachroma on canvas
Date: 2008
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Reunited with my painting.
Title: Fragments of the Shattered Gourd
Medium: terrachroma on canvas
Date: 2008
Who Is Your Body? Your body Is the greatest miracle happening now It is not dying…
My Dear Child
Before you were born—
if you raised your binoculars,
if you could peep
through the keyhole of life
Would you open the door
and walk right through?
Or would you run back
Gradually the African art gallery is falling into proper shape.
The art is also ready to go.
But I’m not in a hurry to open the gallery.
I will wait till it’s safe.
The Massacre of General Okoro
Is it funny
or merely coincidental
That, as they killed her son,
the mother was dreaming
She was breastfeeding him?
Dear Kicking Fetus
For Saidiya Hartman***
Why kick your mother
so hard, so relentless
right in the center
of her tender navel?
Is there something
you know about life,
about the impious ways
Moyo Okediji
Title: Excavations of the First Dynasty
Medium: acrylic on canvas
date: 2021