a picture of moyo okediji standing with his hand in his pocket

One Her Independence Day

One Her Independence Day

I sent her

a flower vase

spun of orphic hair

with strands of gold,

each line gilded

with a ray of solar tint,

tightly woven into a dreamy jar

with slender pythonic fingers,

and detailed with combed titanic glints

boasting ornamental strings of rubies:

from the bottom of this olympian jar

springs of roses rise

like a fountain of fire

gleaming with aurora orange

in obsidian lyrics

tweeting lyres of marigold

as birds carry dazzling tunes

strand of twigs of cheddar pink

sprinkled with white Guara,

lychnis coronaria,Japanese anemone

with petunia hybrids

peeping behind clumps of verbena.

Cosmos sulfureus spread pointillisms

like a Seurat palette

blooming beyond the pale

of linear array

at the vortex of Rachmaninoff concerto

And it all arrived

Just in time for your Special Day

Yearning for that special day

You will love me back

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