a picture showing moyo okediji standing next to his artwork

Twins: Taye and Kehinde

Twins: Taye and Kehinde

Are you a twin?

Yes, you are.

We are all twins.

Some drag their twin other to the world.

Most of us leave ours back at the source, in the other world.

When we talk to ourselves, we are ritually chatting with our twin in the other world.

In Yorubaland, twin births are frequent.

Statistics show the highest rates of twins come from that region.

Among Yoruba people, twins are orisa or divinities.

They bring wealth to their mothers.

If one twin were to die, the mother must commission an artist to produce a sculpture.

Within the sculpture, the spirit of the departed twin is kept.

If both twins die, the mother would have two sculptures to remind her of her departed twins.

She would bathe, adorn and feed the sculptures in their remembrance.

When the twins live, the mother throws weekly or fortnight parties for them.

She prepares lots of beans mixed with palm oil and serves them during these parties.

Some twins demand that their mothers must dance with them daily, with beautiful songs.

Such a mother would carry a twin on her back, and the other on her arms,

She would parade them as she sings and dances.

Neighbors would watch her with envy because of her abundant blessing.

The first of the twin is Taye.

The second is Kehinde.

The first, Taye, is actually the younger.

It is Kehinde who sent Taye to the world to serve as a scout.

If the world looks good, Taye should holla.

Then Kehinde would follow.

Do you want to birth twins?

Just learn the art of cooking beans, singing and dancing.

The painting here shows Taye and Kehinde. One is male and the other female.

Can you tell the male from the female?

Interested in some of my published works?

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