Captive No More part VIII

Captive No More part VIII

Tanto, my grandfather’s dog,

shook the rain off his furs

as vigorously as he could

being a dog who hated water

and always tried to escape

whenever Iya, my great grandma

made any move whatsoever

to give him his weekly scrub.

He could easily tell it was his bath time

as soon as grandma brought out a large pot

filled to the brim with water

together with a sponge and black soap

placing the bathing things

Life Begins At 65

Life Begins At 65

Life Begins At 65

I’m only just 64, but life begins at 65

I thank all my friends who sent me birthday wishes yesterday.

I can’t wait for the party to start when, finally, I get born one year from today.

But, it’s alright. Some people are only in their thirties, forties, fifties and early sixties. They have to wait a while to get born and start rocking.

At 65, you’ve done it all. Life has thrown all it has at you, and you have stood your ground. You can easily say, “Ẹran kí la ò jẹ rí? What edible flesh am I yet to chew?”

Captive No More (III)

Captive No More (III)

Captive No More (III)


Music is the language of tragedy,

and dance, the vocabulary of trauma.

Silence, the death of feelings,

marks the beginning of madness.

After my great grandmother in vain

yelled the name of her son, Akin,

several times, and got no response,

she stepped outside and scanned

where he was playing,

and yelled his name again,

when she did not see him there

her stomach sank

because down in the pit of her womb

she knew he was gone.

Captive No More

Captive No More

Captive No More


What you are reading is not poetry. It is not fiction. It is my true family history.

I am an ascendant from slavery. Yes.

It means I am a descendant of enslaved bodies. Yes.

Inside me, they locked iron collars,

leg fetters, and hand lockers. Yes.

Yes. Does it sound weird? Yes.

Slavery was real in Africa. Yes

Africa was the Ground Zero of slavery. Yes.