My mumu is too much.
My mumu is too much.
Hear my story o.
They just fixed the electricity at my place in Nigeria.
To get it fixed, I bought four poles, and hundreds of yards of cable.
I contributed hundreds of thousands of naira to get the transformer.
I bought the meter.
And paid to have the entire thing installed.
But I understand that none of these things that I bought belongs to me.
They all belong to the government.
If I default in payment, the government will come and remove the wires that I bought with my money. And I have to pay to have MY wire returned to me, should I want power back.
The government sends bills not according to the power that I have consumed, but according the whims and caprices of the government.
The transformer? Mine. I bought it.
The wires? Mine? I bought them.
The meter? Mine. I bought it.
The poles? Mine. I bought them.
But are these items bought with my money mine?
No o. They belong to the government.
What a mumu I am.
What a total mumu I have become.
My mumu don pass mumu sef.
Man done become Mumuni.
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