Captive No More V
Captive No More V
The baale of Apaara,
My great grandfather
only to discover that
His favorite child was gone
swept along the rabid rapids
of the slavers’ path
into the abyss of time.
No one taken by these snares
was ever found again.
But the baale nevertheless
arranged a chase party
to go after the plunderers
who stole into his yard
without fear or care
worming through his walls
to pilfer the priceless jewel
of his white crown.
The baale found his queen
my great grandmother
Where she was locked up
and tied to the frame
of her bed
as she had stripped herself naked
about to step into the street
to search for her missing son.
When she saw him enter the room
her fever subsided
she stopped struggling
and her limbs went limp.
Strand by strand
he removed the straps
binding her to the bed
and sat next to her.
He lifted her hand
and it was hot like fire
yet damp with sweat
that drenched her entire body.
He took a wrapper off the rack
and wiped the sweat from her body
starting from her damp face,
down to her neck
through her busts,
down her belly
around her waist beads
between her slender thighs
along her slim calves
bending her knees
pressing, dragging up her feet
separating each of her toes
and then, looking in her eyes
twists her feet tenderly
at first one foot after another
before rotating them left and right
after which he worked his way
slowly back up to her face
moving slowly, tenderly
lingering at the crossroads
of her body
as she submits to his massage
her closed eyes relaxing
while her trembling subsided
under the caressing strokes
of his gentle fingers.
He closed the door
and lay down next to her
His tall and lanky body
contrasting her short frame
as he pressed her
against his powerful loin
her deep breathing
trailing off into a dream.
(to be continued)
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