I teach now by Zoom.

I teach now by Zoom.

It feels weird to sit in the studio, talking to a screen, wondering if you are not crazy.

The computer tells me the names of everybody logged into the class, listening and watching me.

But who else is with them, also watching and listening? How far will the recording of the session travel?

Like a bird

Like a bird

Like a bird, I mostly live on seeds and fruits these days.

The seeds last long, and I can easily store them in my self-isolated den.

But the fruits, I prefer them “fresh.” I, therefore, buy only enough to last for about a week whenever I visit the grocery store near my house.

So, I put on my Koro hijab and went to the grocery store.



When scientists speak about global warming, they often imagine that water levels would rise to threaten the land, perhaps even cover up some islands.

But is it possible that global warming could generate the growth of monstrous bacteria and viruses the like of which we have never seen before, microbiological growths that could threaten civilization and life on earth?